Now, 2 years after the GDPR start and 2,5 years after preparing for it, it was time to go over all my contacts here on LinkedIn and in my CRM as well, because no one wants a lot of nominal members in his database. So, after some GDPR emails, which separated the wheat from the chaff, it feels better now, after 13 intensive years on #linkedin and with clients and candidates to have fewer contacts, but active contacts and those who are from similar mindset or who are interested in my work and collaboration. It's 80ties style in sales, if you to cold calls(yes we also do sometimes) and collect a to of data and people, which are just an amount of people in your database but not pro-active contacts. It's the same with a network, it lives from its active members, not from numbers, that's why I also like more boutique headhunting partners or companies, than a big titanic, where thee employees are just numbers and replaceable, anytime. Another thing is, that during my...
Der persönliche Blog von Thomas Zahlten, dem BREADHUNTER, rund um Headhunting,Executive Search, Social Media und Innovationen. Web: Phone: +43 677 630 833 68 Dies ist kein kommerzieller Blog, er spiegelt lediglich die persönliche Meinung von Thomas Zahlten wieder. Impressum: Breadhunter - Int. Executive Search Thomas Zahlten Karl Popper Strasse 22 1100 Wien Austria eMail: