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Posts mit dem Label "usa" werden angezeigt.

Why global phone numbers are important for small businesses in Sales & Headhunting in 2019

Yes, we live in interesting times and it's funny to see, how big players get disrupted by small, global speedboats, because they focus on the core business and for this you do not need status symbols or expensive business solutions, it's just all about to work borderless to close sales deals, engage clients and candidates from all over the world, not only via social media madness, but by personal connection. I believe, that social media will getting more and more  irrelevant, because people getting sick of this sensless throwing out infos , messages and contact attempts without focus and personal engagement. They will sooner or later love the old, good quality of personal human relations, Ear-to-Ear or Face-to-Face. Since 2 years I see it also here in DACH area, that clients and candidates wanted to be called personally and not contacted via email or social media postings. Video calls are also fine, but some clients are unable to cope to work with that, so the go...

Hard times for Donald J. Trump - and also for us

Good evening from Vienna in Austria, after some month of observation, I like to try to talk about my view about Donald Trump. Yes, Donald is a Elephant in the porcelain shop, but I like that. :-) He speaks frankly like an entrepreneur, an old school entrepreneur generation like my grandfather or my parents from similar age. This is a generation of handshake quality, a generation of mistakes and fast turnarounds after that, they act and talk what they act like. So, how to deal with them in times of social media, information leaks, fast decisions, hysteric analyzes and lobbyism ? Would Donald Trump be president of the United States in 1996, there would be no problem, of understanding his decisions, I think, because during this time, he was in his main powerful years. On the other side, he is also today, but with a leak of a lobby, because the lobby and politics have changed. Sometimes you just want to move something, but you don't have the lobby or you can't act as ...