Yes, we live in interesting times and it's funny to see, how big players get disrupted by small, global speedboats, because they focus on the core business and for this you do not need status symbols or expensive business solutions, it's just all about to work borderless to close sales deals, engage clients and candidates from all over the world, not only via social media madness, but by personal connection. I believe, that social media will getting more and more irrelevant, because people getting sick of this sensless throwing out infos , messages and contact attempts without focus and personal engagement. They will sooner or later love the old, good quality of personal human relations, Ear-to-Ear or Face-to-Face. Since 2 years I see it also here in DACH area, that clients and candidates wanted to be called personally and not contacted via email or social media postings. Video calls are also fine, but some clients are unable to cope to work with that, so the go...
Der persönliche Blog von Thomas Zahlten, dem BREADHUNTER, rund um Headhunting,Executive Search, Social Media und Innovationen. Web: Phone: +43 677 630 833 68 Dies ist kein kommerzieller Blog, er spiegelt lediglich die persönliche Meinung von Thomas Zahlten wieder. Impressum: Breadhunter - Int. Executive Search Thomas Zahlten Karl Popper Strasse 22 1100 Wien Austria eMail: