It was the 3rd HR Inside Summit in Vienna, which took place at the Imperial Hofburg on 27./28. of September 2017 and it was worth it to be there. This is also a short summary of my personal favorites, a longer summary you can read at Eva Selans HR Blog here , also with news about the HR Award 2017. Sindy Amadei and Viktoria Schmied showed again with their team of Überall-Scene , that they are able to refresh the HR conference landscape in Austria by bringing international speakers and HR insiders together for the 3rd time. It's also like family festival to be there, because you will meet HR people, which share a similar DNA, a DNA which fits to my view of smart HR people. I think there are at the moment 3 HR related conferences per year in Vienna and every event, has his followers. The HR Inside Summit, is the smart middle class event for all business and marketing people too, compared to the 2 other bigger HR related events in Vienna, the Perso...
Der persönliche Blog von Thomas Zahlten, dem BREADHUNTER, rund um Headhunting,Executive Search, Social Media und Innovationen. Web: Phone: +43 677 630 833 68 Dies ist kein kommerzieller Blog, er spiegelt lediglich die persönliche Meinung von Thomas Zahlten wieder. Impressum: Breadhunter - Int. Executive Search Thomas Zahlten Karl Popper Strasse 22 1100 Wien Austria eMail: