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Hard times for Donald J. Trump - and also for us

Good evening from Vienna in Austria, after some month of observation, I like to try to talk about my view about Donald Trump. Yes, Donald is a Elephant in the porcelain shop, but I like that. :-) He speaks frankly like an entrepreneur, an old school entrepreneur generation like my grandfather or my parents from similar age. This is a generation of handshake quality, a generation of mistakes and fast turnarounds after that, they act and talk what they act like. So, how to deal with them in times of social media, information leaks, fast decisions, hysteric analyzes and lobbyism ? Would Donald Trump be president of the United States in 1996, there would be no problem, of understanding his decisions, I think, because during this time, he was in his main powerful years. On the other side, he is also today, but with a leak of a lobby, because the lobby and politics have changed. Sometimes you just want to move something, but you don't have the lobby or you can't act as ...

Back From New York + New Web Profile

Time is running and now, after 2 weeks my New York trip came to an end, but I will be back, my friends for sure :-). There is now enough material and pics for your inspiration for the next month in my mind and I also made a new personal website:  www.thomaszahlten.com   for personal introduction. After my 33 month at Talentor International, now a new era was ushered and we will see, where it will lead to the next month. So give me call for a cup of coffee. I really enjoyed "the city, that never sleeps", took a lot of pictures in Brooklyn & Manhatten, you will get sliced the next weeks combined with blog posts. I had good, inspirational meetings...and this is what I am since years: An international connector, border-less thinker and global actor. Vienna is nice to live, but the playground is the world, especially the US, Russia, Europe and Asia. So, check out my  blog-posts  and  websites  and thank you for your attention even if there was l...

Leben und Fakten im Postfaktischen Zeitalter

Leben und Fakten im Postfaktischen Zeitalter Das Wort des Jahres 2016 war ‚Postfaktisch‘. Es bedeutet, dass wir uns mehr für gefühlte Tatsachen interessieren, als für wirkliche Fakten, und diese gefühlten Tatsachen dann für die Wahrheit halten oder darauf sogar unsere Meinungen und unser Business aufbauen.  Gefühlt(sic!), habe ich persönlich, dass es ‚postfaktisch‘ gibt schon sicherlich seit 1999, als ich an ersten Aufzeichnungen zu  Johann Friedrich Maria von Zett’s Buch: Boo Boo Boo (veröffentlicht 2009) gearbeitet hatte. Damals nannte ich es den „Pakt der Enkel mit den Großeltern“ und beschrieb, wie die Enkel Generation die Arbeitsweisen der Großeltern in ein neues Jahrtausend retten können, denn die Verdummung begann bereits damals, um die Jahrtausendwende. Es wurde damals schon weniger gelesen und begonnen laut in Social Media zu brüllen, anstatt sich an Stil, Niveau, Fakten, Moral, und Ethik zu halten. Im Postfaktischen Zeitalter, in dem wir nun leben und ...

Good bye 2016 and some Christmas holiday inspiration from Mr. Breadhunter

So, the strange year 2016 comes to an end, and I like that. There were a lot of funerals, great artists from show-biz died as well as Umberto Eco, my favorite writer. The Chinese year of the monkey act like a insane monkey, if you think about business and the new terror which came up too in 2016. Here I can recommend the  new book  of  Gilles Kepel . I think it's now time to come down and do something different from what we all did the last month, to clean our brain-hard-disc to be ready for 2017. I can recommend the following books, Amazon and Netflix and I am sure you will like it. From business aspect it was a quite successful year 2016, we got 3 new partners at Talentor and 3 more new partners are in the pipeline for the 1st quarter, I am in contact with since 1-2 years. I am also happy to be ready for a new opportunity in March / April 2017, because I think Talentor is now on a good way to develop and move straight forward, after I brought in total 10 new cou...