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Posts mit dem Label "Innovation" werden angezeigt.

Der unbemerkte Verlust der Qualität - wenn alle Bullshit beklatschen

Wissen Sie was das Resultat von 'Alles ist so OK, wie es ist!', lieber Finn und liebe Mia ist? Genau, der Verlust von Qualität in Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft, denn viele haben nicht mehr gelernt echte Leistung und Innovation von generischem Bla Bla zu unterscheiden und fühlen sich wohl in ihrem gegenseitigen Selbstbeweihräucherungs Dunst. Sei es, dass man sich gegen LGBTQ in 2020 per LinkedIn Posting einsetzt und dadurch viele Likes erhält, obwohl das Problem so nicht gelöst wurde, nein, es reicht schon nur seine Bereitschaft zu bekunden gegen Diskriminierung oder Nazis oder Rassismus zu sein und schon ist man der Held, die Heldin durch Solidarisierung, anstatt durch Taten und Lösung des angeprangerten Problems. Faktencheck bzw. Feedbackschleife, was so eine Aktion wirklich gebracht hat - Fehlanzeige und eh wuarscht! Und genau das hat sich in den letzten 20 Jahren geändert, liebe Freunde: Wo es in unserer Generation X und auch der BabyBoomer, sowie Gen. Silent IN war, den Intel...

Why global phone numbers are important for small businesses in Sales & Headhunting in 2019

Yes, we live in interesting times and it's funny to see, how big players get disrupted by small, global speedboats, because they focus on the core business and for this you do not need status symbols or expensive business solutions, it's just all about to work borderless to close sales deals, engage clients and candidates from all over the world, not only via social media madness, but by personal connection. I believe, that social media will getting more and more  irrelevant, because people getting sick of this sensless throwing out infos , messages and contact attempts without focus and personal engagement. They will sooner or later love the old, good quality of personal human relations, Ear-to-Ear or Face-to-Face. Since 2 years I see it also here in DACH area, that clients and candidates wanted to be called personally and not contacted via email or social media postings. Video calls are also fine, but some clients are unable to cope to work with that, so the go...

Move your Ass ! - Early Adopters vs. The Ancient Crowd

I think the text above says everything or shows a chronology about innovation and future of work. Even if the crowd got it, it's not an innovation anymore. So if you want to prevent these circle, adopt as early as the new info is on the market as well as better tools are available. I believe, that for experts it takes less than 24 hours, for example, to check if e.g. a software is smarter and better than the old one you use. You do not have to wait 3 years until you will roll it out to your people. Smart and agile work does not have a 5 years plan, this is the big mistake, all companies do at the moment because they are now in my 2011. As a headhunter you need to be fast and need to have actual data all the time, this is important for us and this is why my workflow is so, that I can change all my workflows and databases within 1-3 days totally and emigrate into any other system, which is smarter, than the system I use now. This is a new way of thinking but impossible wi...


GO TO ENGLISH VERSION HERE Am 27. / 28. September 2017 ist es wieder so weit und der  HR Inside Summit  öffnet zum 3. Mal in der Wiener Hofburg seine Tore für alle, die im Human Resources mehr erwarten, als „CV-Keyword-Screening“ und „Antworten auf die Top 10 Fragen, wie Sie jedes Bewerbungsgespräch meistern“ ! Dieser Kongress richtet sich vor allem an HR Entscheider, Geschäftsführer und Unternehmer im DACH Raum, aber auch an alle anderen, die sich für Future of Work, Recruiting, Human Resources, Innovation und Startups interessieren. Zum 2. Mal neu mit dabei ist auch der  HR Award . Was das genau ist, darüber haben wir mit Frau Mag. Stefanie Furch vom Team von  Überall Scene  gesprochen, der innovativen Event-Agentur von Mag. Sindy Amadei und Mag. Victoria Schmied, die dieses großartige Event vor gut 3 Jahren zum ersten Mal ins Leben gerufen haben und seitdem nicht zu stoppen sind… Neben dem Pioneers Festival für Startups, dem Web Summit in Dubl...

Anecdote from the DLD-Conference 10 years(2007 - 2017) ago by Breadhunter

Today it’s 10 years ago, that I have heard of DLD conference and  took first part in January 2007 , when I was in the last round of my middle eastern science and islamic history of art studies at LMU university in Munich. This was the time of early smart phones and no facebook in Germany. I remember I had a Blackberry, which was cool at this time and the 1st. Iphone was just announced 2 weeks before DLD2007. It was a time of digital nursery, but we all felt, that there will be more in the coming years. What I found interesting and new for this time on DLD in 2007, was that Hubert Burda, ‚The Godfather‘ of Burda Media, but also an Art Historian, created together with Steffi Czerny a conference festival, which combines trends from Digital, Science, Economy, Startups, IT, Marketing, Art, Architecture, Physics, Philosophy, Politics and Biotech, you can’t find twice in Europe. Maybe the Le Web in Paris by  Loic Le Meur  comes to this level. During this times the D...