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Posts mit dem Label "executivesearch" werden angezeigt.

BREADHUNTER's & BRODY's Executive Lounge - we futurize Global Leaders

“Everyone Needs a Coach” — Bill Gates by Florian Brody The whole world has changed due to Covid-19. Each of us has been impacted differently. Whether you are happy with your work or make a change in your career, are fully employed, or are seeking new opportunities, the big questions come up for all of us. Whether you head back to the office or looking for new opportunities, now is the best time to invest in yourself. And while a new car or at least a new set of golf clubs may be nice, taking a step towards a better relationship with yourself towards success and long-term happiness will be a much better investment. Working with a coach will be the best investment in your career and your life you have made since going to University. It’s an investment in time, effort and yes, also money. You will get to know someone much better who is close to you: you yourself. In today’s’ work environment, nothing is more important than knowing yourself, your competencies, capabilities, as well as your...

Der unbemerkte Verlust der Qualität - wenn alle Bullshit beklatschen

Wissen Sie was das Resultat von 'Alles ist so OK, wie es ist!', lieber Finn und liebe Mia ist? Genau, der Verlust von Qualität in Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft, denn viele haben nicht mehr gelernt echte Leistung und Innovation von generischem Bla Bla zu unterscheiden und fühlen sich wohl in ihrem gegenseitigen Selbstbeweihräucherungs Dunst. Sei es, dass man sich gegen LGBTQ in 2020 per LinkedIn Posting einsetzt und dadurch viele Likes erhält, obwohl das Problem so nicht gelöst wurde, nein, es reicht schon nur seine Bereitschaft zu bekunden gegen Diskriminierung oder Nazis oder Rassismus zu sein und schon ist man der Held, die Heldin durch Solidarisierung, anstatt durch Taten und Lösung des angeprangerten Problems. Faktencheck bzw. Feedbackschleife, was so eine Aktion wirklich gebracht hat - Fehlanzeige und eh wuarscht! Und genau das hat sich in den letzten 20 Jahren geändert, liebe Freunde: Wo es in unserer Generation X und auch der BabyBoomer, sowie Gen. Silent IN war, den Intel...

The 2 ways companies work with BREADHUNTER on Global Projects

BREADHUNTER  is based in Vienna, Austria as we all know, but did you know, that he is just working for 50% on vacancies in the DACH region and is also an expert for international headhunting? There are 2 ways you can use our experience in global recruiting . You are a company based in the DACH region and looking for employees, so we support you in the search process by active sourcing / direct search and with our smart partners in 50 countries around the globe. You are a foreign company, who is looking for employees in the DACH region or globally, but you believe more in craft and human-to-human business, than in mass-recruiting and resume selling, so we support you with our simple, transparent and   tailor-made-services   and global network. Finding the right candidate by screening humans and not just applicant letters   is our mantra, that's why we talk to people / candidates since 20 years, also if we do not have a vacancy yet, but maybe in 3-6...

BREADHUNTER: The Simplification of the Headhunter Craft

After a sabbatical with inspiring talks, meetings, travels and time to re-think old habits in headhunting and executive-search the  NEW BREADHUNTER   was born again in February 2018. On our  new website  you find just the essentials you need to know as a client and candidate too. No novels about how good and experienced we are(therefore you can read my  BOOKS  and  Blogs ! ;-)), but also a fresh design and minimalism and on top our  transparent pricing packages , something, which is very unusual in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the Executive Search and Headhunter industry, but normal since 6 years in the US, the Netherlands and some other global destinations. So I decided to become the first headhunter in the DACH region in 2018 (and maybe also Europe), who is transparent also in pricing. Yes, the world and everything gets more and more transparent during these times and this is why my Partners and I see us also as headhunting-craf...

Headhunting is like Fine Arts and Rocket Science, Mass Recruiting is the modern job slavery and like fast-food

Yes, there was a blog post about this 1 year ago by  BREADHUNTER , but I think during these times, you can't talk enough about this topic to open people's mind and attitude about it. If HR departments and companies understand the difference of this topic, I am sure the quality of the right, fitting candidates will rise and you have in the end engaged and happy employees, instead of just another filled position with a bread-and-butter-worker. In times where professions are diluted by adventurers, executive search and headhunting came to a professional level like a real-estate-agents. Everybody does it, from housewives to financial-services sales freaks or ex-car salesmen. Because you have no seal of quality our industry was flooded by everyone who had no idea, which job he can do, so let's became a recruiter. Ok, now to the difference of the fine arts of real headhunting, which is also like cooking with a lot of spices and high-quality ingredients vs. fast food....

Excellent Headhunters resemble to Top Advocates more, than you might have expected, so let's work together !

After a season marathon of SUITS (season 1-6) I got the idea, that it would be important to open the mind of the LinkedIn audience a bit into the direction, that Headhunters are useful not only for filling your position and use the synergies of their lobby network. We all-rounder headhunter, this is a headhunter who works on his projects from acquisition of the job, via direct search and gathering of information and client management trough candidate interviews and final placement, resemble more to a Partner of a Law Firm, than you might expect. You don't find this species in large mass-recruiting companies, but in small international boutique executive search environments. In mass-recruiting companies, every employee has his task in a clear limited field of operation, e.g. there is a person who makes just the research(searching all day long), then there are just liquidators, who take care of the candidate interviews and then there are the sales consultants / partners, res...


There were a long time no Talentor news, right ? But sometimes there is time for work and sometimes time for news (by the way, a lot of times in this sentence ;-) - ). So, here comes new NEWS, what's going on  @Talentor International  in Vienna and globally: So there was a lot of new partner search, selection, video calls and meetings in 2016, to find the right and fitting partners around the globe. Then there is a lot of increasing cross-border business, helping our clients in Europe and in China to fill their positions with the best candidates from the market. In march my  new book  about headhunting with blog articles from the last 10 years was published, sorry in German only, but I promise, the next one, will be in english... I am proud to have sold more than 500 copies in 8 month, so there is an audience outside I didn't knew about yet. Thanx ! :-) In September we had our annual partner summit in Bucarest, which is always a mixture of Future of Work Sessio...

Warum Direct Search immer noch die Mutter der Personalberatung ist und wieso Mc Kinsey & Co bis heute nicht in der Headhunting-Branche aufräumen durften bleibt offen

Bildquelle: http://www.bqlive.co.uk/2015/03/18/how-do-we-break-the-old-boys-network/ "Der Consultant sorgt für das 1. Drittel des Honorars, der Research für das 2. und das 3. Drittel ist der Erfolg aus einer guten Zusammenarbeit."   "Die HR- und die Personalberatungs-Branche blieb bis heute vom 'großen Saubermachen' durch Mc Kinsey & Co verschont." ... unausgesprochene Wahrheiten und Chance für die Headhunting-Branche diese Themen Proaktiv anzugehen, um daraus etwas neues und besseres zu schaffen. Die Eingangs angeführten 2 Punkte zeigen 2 Bereiche der Personalberatung auf, die ich im folgenden näher Beleuchten will, um so einerseits für die Kunden ein besseres Bewußtsein für das Headhunter Handwerk zu schaffen, damit Bla-Bla Beratung wieder besser vom echten Handwerk unterschieden werden kann, zum anderen möchte ich zum 'großen-Reinemachen' bezüglich unserer seit 40 Jahren fast immer gleichen Headhunter Prozesse und Businessmo...

Breadhunter, das Buch ab Anfang März

Ab Anfang März 2016 ist es nun soweit. Es gibt alle Blogartikel der letzten Jahre in einem Sammelband, sowie das Werk: 'Breadhunting' von 2011 und weitere kleinere Artikel von Thomas Zahlten. Für alle, die Bücher lieben. Für alle, die BREADHUNTER's Manifest in der Hand halten und ohne Strom lesen wollen. Für alle, die eine kritische Analyse aus 16 Jahren Headhunting Erfahrung interessiert. Für alle, aus dem HR Bereich, die sich wieder etwas up-to-date bringen wollen, jedoch mit Blogs nichts am Hut haben. Für alle, die aus Sales und Marketing kommen und Anregung brauchen. Für Unternehmer, Chefs, Headhunter und philosophische Freigeister, die nicht konform denken. Für Startups, als Basis, um manche Fehler nicht doppelt machen zu müssen. Für Innovatoren, die wirkliche 'Disruption' erfinden wollen. Und natürlich für die Katz, weil der Hund nicht lesen kann. Aus dem vorläufigen Inhalt: Vorwort 1.       Teil:  Breadhunting – Brotjob ...