It's all about sales and marketing, but where has our hard-facts review culture gone ? This is a question, I ask myself since some month, because I have the subjective feeling(post-truth!:-p), that since some years we celebrate more the new things, ideas and visions and forgot to focus on old-school reviews. Sometimes are reviews a proof for great business strategies and you can learn from it for the future. Sometimes it's better not to look back or to the facts and figures, because it will bring a bigger damage to daylight you better hide. The older I get, the more I like numbers and facts. Real numbers, provable numbers, because this is the only way, to learn something in a honest, realistic way, especially in these times of post-truth and subjective feelings you meet in social media. On the other hand, I think, that this kind of review culture is going to decline, because it's not sexy to be beaten by hard facts in the end. Facts are a kind of control autho...
Der persönliche Blog von Thomas Zahlten, dem BREADHUNTER, rund um Headhunting,Executive Search, Social Media und Innovationen. Web: Phone: +43 677 630 833 68 Dies ist kein kommerzieller Blog, er spiegelt lediglich die persönliche Meinung von Thomas Zahlten wieder. Impressum: Breadhunter - Int. Executive Search Thomas Zahlten Karl Popper Strasse 22 1100 Wien Austria eMail: