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We proudly present together with our new partner in China the ASIA Jobs with a focus on manufacturing and automotive industry. All vacancies are Senior Positions starting from 100.000 € salary and are negotiable. Working locations are Hong Kong, Beijing, Baoding, etc pp. ... Start your 2nd career if you have at least 5 - 10 years experience in manufacturing or automotive industry and contact us for more info. The expected timeline for all projects is asap or within 2-4 months. Check our special  ASIA Jobportal here . Best regards from Vienna, Thomas www.breadhunter.at

Why global phone numbers are important for small businesses in Sales & Headhunting in 2019

Yes, we live in interesting times and it's funny to see, how big players get disrupted by small, global speedboats, because they focus on the core business and for this you do not need status symbols or expensive business solutions, it's just all about to work borderless to close sales deals, engage clients and candidates from all over the world, not only via social media madness, but by personal connection. I believe, that social media will getting more and more  irrelevant, because people getting sick of this sensless throwing out infos , messages and contact attempts without focus and personal engagement. They will sooner or later love the old, good quality of personal human relations, Ear-to-Ear or Face-to-Face. Since 2 years I see it also here in DACH area, that clients and candidates wanted to be called personally and not contacted via email or social media postings. Video calls are also fine, but some clients are unable to cope to work with that, so the go...

How international Headhunting Networks will be disrupted by small entrepreneurs - a breakdown

Headhunting and Executive Search is changing for the last 12 years and their global networks do. I remember headhunting during the 90ties without internet, where Headhunters seemed to be bit like the gatekeeper of the Holy Grail, because they had the contacts and databases, no one else had or just big corporates who could afford an HR department and collect data in the 80ties and 90ties. Now with social media everybody has became a networker and so some fundamental questions in our industry must be answered and we must bring our clients up-to-date too.  The following questions will be: What makes a good headhunter? Has a network to show by marketing how large it is, how they party together or are the results in the end important they generate together? How about the hard facts? The membership fees, the extra turnover the networks generate for each partner? Is it transparent without case studies you prettify by marketing? Big network via small global connectors, see...

My 2 years without Facebook, while I established relations that matter around the globe in times of social media madness and selfie banality

Because I have quitted my Facebook account since about 2 years and my Instagram since 6 months, so I think it's time for an international update for all who are not on LinkedIn about my latest actions and also about the way I understand social media. The older you get, more the quality of something is important than the quantity I have learned over the last years and for this, you don't need Facebook or Instagram postings for a showing of. I think it's an unwritten law in global executive communities that matter not to post every meeting or to make selfies with celebrities you are in contact with and for the last 2 years this is the new strategy I will tell you about in this article. Maybe it's also interesting for you to be different and apart from the crowd of sheep / lemmings. I think we live now in times where people think you have no life, no business and no friends, if you are not active in social media. Companies do not make business, teams are not teams...

What the BREADHUNTER-Club is 2018 about, and why YOU are the right partner for creating something NEW together...?!

Watch this 2 Videos and turn the volume on: 2. You don't laugh, because it's NOT funny. Video 1 was your past and Video 2 is your new world order and you like it. > OK, thanks for your time and Good Bye ! MEEEEEP 3. You are laughing like hell, because you are sick of these 2 generic business systems and want to change something together with some global, experienced senior people ? Looking for: NO buzzwords, NO generic business bla-bla, but attitude, cleverness, hand-shake-quality and same minded people to work with...? > Hello, WELCOME to the Club ! The FREE Club of global  BREADHUNTER's . 4. Drop me a line and let's keep in touch to build something great together in 2018 in #headhunting #executivesearch #global #business 5. Stay tuned... a new website and #slack chat is coming soon to register... 6. ...and keep in mind: #nobullshit #nofees #nogenericstuff #but #global #friends #for #global #innovative #quality #business Greet...