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The HR Summit 2017 in Vienna in short

It was the 3rd HR Inside Summit in Vienna, which took place at the Imperial Hofburg on 27./28. of September 2017 and it was worth it to be there. This is also a short summary of my personal favorites, a longer summary you can read at  Eva Selans HR Blog here , also with news about the  HR Award  2017. Sindy Amadei and Viktoria Schmied showed again with their team of  Überall-Scene , that they are able to refresh the HR conference landscape in Austria by bringing international speakers and HR insiders together for the 3rd time. It's also like family festival to be there, because you will meet HR people, which share a similar DNA, a DNA which fits to my view of smart HR people. I think there are at the moment 3 HR related conferences per year in Vienna and every event, has his followers. The HR Inside Summit, is the smart middle class event for all business and marketing people too, compared to the 2 other bigger HR related events in Vienna, the  Perso...


GO TO ENGLISH VERSION HERE Am 27. / 28. September 2017 ist es wieder so weit und der  HR Inside Summit  öffnet zum 3. Mal in der Wiener Hofburg seine Tore für alle, die im Human Resources mehr erwarten, als „CV-Keyword-Screening“ und „Antworten auf die Top 10 Fragen, wie Sie jedes Bewerbungsgespräch meistern“ ! Dieser Kongress richtet sich vor allem an HR Entscheider, Geschäftsführer und Unternehmer im DACH Raum, aber auch an alle anderen, die sich für Future of Work, Recruiting, Human Resources, Innovation und Startups interessieren. Zum 2. Mal neu mit dabei ist auch der  HR Award . Was das genau ist, darüber haben wir mit Frau Mag. Stefanie Furch vom Team von  Überall Scene  gesprochen, der innovativen Event-Agentur von Mag. Sindy Amadei und Mag. Victoria Schmied, die dieses großartige Event vor gut 3 Jahren zum ersten Mal ins Leben gerufen haben und seitdem nicht zu stoppen sind… Neben dem Pioneers Festival für Startups, dem Web Summit in Dubl...

DLD 2017 - die besten Artikel und Videos

Mr. Nadella @DLD2017 Anstatt eines 20. Berichts und einer Lobeshymne über die  DLD 2017 , hier nun eine kleine Sammlung der wichtigsten Artikel zur DLD, sowie die besten Videos. Vieles muss man erleben, anstatt viel darüber zu reden. Bei der DLD ist es so, dass sich eigentlich beides lohnt, also der DLD per Lifestream zu folgen oder live "teil zu nehmen" zum Ticketpreis von 2.900 €(ja, es ist wirklich seinen Preis wert, von den Inhalten, über die Organisation, Party, allem einfach!). Je nachdem was man vor hat. Natürlich ist der live Spirit immer ein anderer und für persönliches Netzwerken am Besten. Außerdem lässt sich das Ticket anteilig als 'Weiterbildung' von der Steuer absetzen. Hat man jedoch wenig Zeit oder gerade nicht das Geld, sondern nur 2 Tage Urlaub, so lohnt es sich dem Live-Stream zu folgen, sich Notizen zu machen und parallel gleich viele Speaker und Firmen zu googeln. Dies kann man sogar als Startup oder Marketing Agentur gemeinsam im Bü...

Anecdote from the DLD-Conference 10 years(2007 - 2017) ago by Breadhunter

Today it’s 10 years ago, that I have heard of DLD conference and  took first part in January 2007 , when I was in the last round of my middle eastern science and islamic history of art studies at LMU university in Munich. This was the time of early smart phones and no facebook in Germany. I remember I had a Blackberry, which was cool at this time and the 1st. Iphone was just announced 2 weeks before DLD2007. It was a time of digital nursery, but we all felt, that there will be more in the coming years. What I found interesting and new for this time on DLD in 2007, was that Hubert Burda, ‚The Godfather‘ of Burda Media, but also an Art Historian, created together with Steffi Czerny a conference festival, which combines trends from Digital, Science, Economy, Startups, IT, Marketing, Art, Architecture, Physics, Philosophy, Politics and Biotech, you can’t find twice in Europe. Maybe the Le Web in Paris by  Loic Le Meur  comes to this level. During this times the D...

HR Inside Summit in Vienna – the difference to other HR events around the globe and why you should participate in 2017

Have you heard about the HR Inside Summit in Vienna? No ? Ok, I see, HR events and start-up festivals are booming since 5 years and some of you innovators and decision makers are tired of exploring the old wine filled up by marketing only into new bottles, but on the other side, there are some really good reasons, why these HR festivals make sense to visit at least once per year.  HR Inside Summit is the Annabel’s of Vienna, you know what I mean ?! and Vienna is different. If you don’t know, then read this article. J In comparison to Personal Austria, Personal Süd, Zukunft Personal and many other conservative HR conferences, the HR Inside Summit is the answer of the younger marketing, smart-work and start-up community, of the generation XYZ, which became now with 30 and 40 adult in business and experience.  This new kind of business style, the DNA these people have, which is not the HR and Headhunting style of the 90ties and also not the IT nerd business th...