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HR Inside Summit in Vienna – the difference to other HR events around the globe and why you should participate in 2017

Have you heard about the HR Inside Summit in Vienna? No ?

Ok, I see, HR events and start-up festivals are booming since 5 years and some of you innovators and decision makers are tired of exploring the old wine filled up by marketing only into new bottles, but on the other side, there are some really good reasons, why these HR festivals make sense to visit at least once per year. 

HR Inside Summit is the Annabel’s of Vienna, you know what I mean ?! and Vienna is different. If you don’t know, then read this article. J

In comparison to Personal Austria, Personal Süd, Zukunft Personal and many other conservative HR conferences, the HR Inside Summit is the answer of the younger marketing, smart-work and start-up community, of the generation XYZ, which became now with 30 and 40 adult in business and experience. This new kind of business style, the DNA these people have, which is not the HR and Headhunting style of the 90ties and also not the IT nerd business thing of the millennium, 16 years ago, it’s an event, which is built by book- and marketing smarts, an HR festival, that rocks your HR department and motivates HR people, to risk a view beyond one’s own nose.

At the moment there is a competition between 2 business worlds. The IT and business world from 1990 – 2010(working with Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, IBM and other old-school related databases and hierarchic workflows inhouse), and the start-up, smart work, marketing world(working with Apple, Google, Apps & Software built in the last 4 years, New IT Tools you can implement by one click and with credit card and go, Social Media and holocracy models) entering the market between 2009 and 2012, which became now adult.

These generation knew new workflows and tools, experimented the last 4 years to simplify workflows and the smart-work of Google is here just the beginning, but it should be now standard for everybody in a company, because we do have 2016! Working with 5-year-plans, email reply to all in a group, excel-sheets and typing data into an CRM is nowadays definitely not the future of work in a smart company, where you can parse and import relevant data by one click from LinkedIn and get relevant HR and sales software for 25$ per user per month.

So, there are 2 empires and philosophies fighting in business(and the HR market as well) about the smart-work rulership, which have their own events and festivals, except maybe DLD in Munich and Web Summit in Lisbon, where you can find both worlds(Apple & Lenovo Laptop user with their philosophy behind) exploring the future of work.

The HR Inside Summit could be the 3rd interesting event on this eco-system(besides DLD & Web Summit), because it has global and local speakers from DACH region on it’s stage and is organized by smart marketers around Sindy Amadei and Victoria Schmied and their event & marketing agency Uberall-Scene, Vienna. 

The Speakers talk about their best work practices from Silicon Valley, Sweden, Berlin and Zurich, to Austrian local players up to Asia, which makes in the end the best, fresh and exotic HR cocktail inspiration.

This year for example, there were colourful sessions from Kim Wylie(Google), Michael Kim(Spotify), Georg Muir(IKEA), Jonathan Reichental(CIO of City of Palo Alto), Florens Eblinger(Eblinger & Partner), Nico Rose(Bertelsmann), Christian Gansch(Dirigent & Producer), Tim Steigert(GE) and Stephan Grabmeier(Haufe Umantis), international & DACH region innovators, thinkers, entrepreneurs and smart business people, you could learn from or just check yourself, if you walk in the right direction with these topics in your company to be ready for 2020.

To match your personal knowledge with the best practices of these smart-working innovators, helps you to see, where you stand right now, not living in an old-school-work-bubble of 90ties or millennium tools and rabbiting the future of work mantra since 4 years, but having no clue, what it really is (-and you can be sure, that it’s not enough winning a recruiting award, being employee of the month or being No. 1 of your industry proved by a independent case study you paid for-). Especially in HR there is a risk to be disrupted by smart marketing people, because recruiting is marketing and this twins belong together. HR is no rocket since and Headhunting either. 

A good example for disruptive innovation is the We Are Developers conference for IT developers transforming more and more to a community and candidate platform, but now back to our topic.

So, why to join now another conference in 2017?

Here are some more arguments by the innovation and smart work truffle pig author of this blog (www.breadhunter.org) , why you should join HR Inside Summit in 2017:

  1. Network and build stronger relations with international smart people in real live, not only via LinkedIn and Twitter, collecting numbers of contacts, you have never met before. Don’t buy a pig in a poke.

  2. Check your own knowledge, if you are up-to-date in HR trends and ready for 2020 smartwork

  3. At trip to Austria is closer, than to Silicon Valley, Boston, Slokovo, Israel or South Korea, which are the innovation HUB’s at the moment and here in Vienna you get Sacher Cake, Wiener Schnitzel and the atmosphere of the Habsburg Empire on top.

  4. With the UNO city and a huge expat community, Vienna is the gate to Russia, Middle East and Eastern Europe, the future markets of the next years, so combine your trip to the HR Inside Summit with some business meetings and a nice weekend with your partner in Vienna.

  5. There is also a start-up community with impact hubs and co-working spaces, you can find in this quality only in Hamburg, Berlin, Barcelona and Amsterdam.

  6. Participate at the HR Inside Summit HR award with your team or company to be a best practice pioneer for your competitors and clients.

  7. The tickets do not cost 1.500 € and also not 700 €, so check the website: www.hrsummit.at

This event will open your mind for the relevant new things in HR, combined with networking. 
As an HR decision maker, you can’t have enough international contacts, you know personally from conferences like this, because they are strong ties, you can’t get from LinkedIn and social media. 
Imagine you have to solve european or global hireings and you just call your HR friends in New York, Beijing, Stockholm or Paris. Your network is your net-worth and your boss or clients will realize this. 

Especially in HR, where is a lot of emotional decisions and tons of cv’s per day, it’s important to work up-to-date, saving time by letting new tools do the pre-candidate-selection and sourcing, that you have in the end more time for important personal meetings, interviews and on-boarding processes.

This knowledge, you will get at the best practice-workshops(similar to Sourcecon in the US) and exhibitions at the HR Inside Summit, is useful, even if you are an CXO, Teamlead or Managing Director.

All these things are a part of a self-branding program, which are important today for everybody, to have a network and a special knowledge, which can’t easily replaced by a robot (or a global call-center somewhere in Timbuktu) and believe me, the robots will come, not like in Pacific RIM, but in terms of HR analytics, candidate matching software and other things, which are heaven and hell at the same time for our HR job, working with human beings.

In the end, this event is also for lazy people, having no time to evaluate hundreds of new HR software & project management tools, reading 10 business books per month and making many mistakes in the job to get smarter in the end. Let the others do all this for you and just consume the essence out of it and learn from the best ‘HR Fuck Up stories’ at the HR Inside Summit 2017 in Vienna. 

This is learning 4.0 instead of a 5th team building or sales workshop with input by happy US sales-freaks from the 90ties, which will not work today anymore, in times of agility, fast turnaround and disruptive innovation. You will see in the end, that there is so much benefit out of a first decision to change your mind, learn and start the future of work for yourself by such a festival.

So, put the 27th and 28th of September 2017 to your calendar and plan your trip to Vienna for some days more, because Vienna is different like Annabel’s in London, but in the heart of Europe next to your door.

Thomas Zahlten, Vienna, 28th of November 2016 
Pictures:  © by Benedikt Weiss. 


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