So, the strange year 2016 comes to an end, and I like that. There were a lot of funerals, great artists from show-biz died as well as Umberto Eco, my favorite writer.
The Chinese year of the monkey act like a insane monkey, if you think about business and the new terror which came up too in 2016. Here I can recommend the new book of Gilles Kepel. I think it's now time to come down and do something different from what we all did the last month, to clean our brain-hard-disc to be ready for 2017. I can recommend the following books, Amazon and Netflix and I am sure you will like it.
From business aspect it was a quite successful year 2016, we got 3 new partners at Talentor and 3 more new partners are in the pipeline for the 1st quarter, I am in contact with since 1-2 years. I am also happy to be ready for a new opportunity in March / April 2017, because I think Talentor is now on a good way to develop and move straight forward, after I brought in total 10 new countries and partners into this new headhunter network since I joined in June 2014.
At the moment I have 2 options starting in March 2017, but maybe there is someone out there on LinkedIn, who is interested to have a deeper conversation about the business year of 2017 and looking for a colorful, international social media and headhunting specialist, so please let me know. I am a person, who needs every 2-3 years new options to develop myself and to move forward and in some environment this is not possible, but in others it is. ;-) On the other site I am with 200% on board, if I am on-board for cultureall fit, you know, what I mean ?!
Here on LinkedIn I am happy to have now around 8.890 followers, reading my blog articles and being part of the breadhunter community. Thank you all for your time, trust, input by emails and support. I am also proud to have sold around 567 copies of my BREADHUNTER book, and I am sorry, that's not available in English right now, but I think in 2017 there will be an English, new book from me, to let you, my friends all over the world, now, whats in my mind in small, little Austria.
Let's keep in touch and enjoy now some tips about books and series, you could focus the next 2 weeks on, which have nothing to do with business. I think some of you would like these movies and books, if you a kind of Austin-Powers-Mojo-Person :-):
- James Ellroy: PERFIDA, the start of the second L.A. series by the master himself. It takes place in L.A. of the 1940's... Find more infos here.
- Some of these books, I have recommended some month ago.
- Raymond Chandler: die Philip Marlow Romane > Diogenes Verlag > L.A. Crime stories from 1930ties.
Netflix series:
- Narcos Part 1 & 2 > Pablo Escobar
- The Crown > about Queen Elisabeth II. & Mr. Churchill
- Hannibal Part 3 with Mads Mikkelsen
- The Expense > Science Fiction
Amazon series:
- Bosch Part 1 & 2 > L.A. private detective
- The Man in the High Castle Part 1 & 2
- The Night Manager > a mixture between Laurence of Arabia and James Bond
- Goliath > Billy Bob Thornton as Lawyer - any questions ?
- Gotham > Batman beginns > Part 1,2,3
If you have a PS4 I would recommend this:
- Mafia III.
- Uncharted 4
- Battlefield 1
- Fallout 4
- L.A. Noire
- and always GTA V. :-)
Enjoy your holidays...
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