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What the BREADHUNTER-Club is 2018 about, and why YOU are the right partner for creating something NEW together...?!

  1. Watch this 2 Videos and turn the volume on:

2. You don't laugh, because it's NOT funny. Video 1 was your past and Video 2 is your new world order and you like it. > OK, thanks for your time and Good Bye ! MEEEEEP
3. You are laughing like hell, because you are sick of these 2 generic business systems and want to change something together with some global, experienced senior people ?
Looking for: NO buzzwords, NO generic business bla-bla, but attitude, cleverness, hand-shake-quality and same minded people to work with...?
> Hello, WELCOME to the Club ! The FREE Club of global BREADHUNTER's.
4. Drop me a line and let's keep in touch to build something great together in 2018 in #headhunting #executivesearch #global #business
5. Stay tuned... a new website and #slack chat is coming soon to register...
6. ...and keep in mind: #nobullshit #nofees #nogenericstuff #but #global #friends #for #global #innovative #quality #business
Greetings from Vienna, in October 2017
Pic source: by Video of Dissolve, https://dissolve.com/

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