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Millennial Party is now over, so back to work with all generations

Because of so many views and clicks into my previous German Article to this topic today, here an English version for you.
Maybe it's only a rising topic at the moment in the DACH region, but it could also be a global one, I hope you will tell me with your comments. 🙂
In DACH region it's a fact, that we are at the peak of millennial business party, while we struggle on the other side with a gap of qualified employees in some industries which are home made.
On the other hand, there are a lot of good business people from 45+ age, who are qualified but not anymore integrated into business, because some, let them call "nerdy thought leaders"(from the Gen X) think, they are uncool or do not fit to their new business concept and culture or they can't offer an environment and knowledge who would attract the Baby Boomers.
This new business concept / culture we do have in the DACH region since 6-8 years is this:
Take 95% millennials(Gen Y) to do the main work for cheap money and take 5% thought leaders(Gen X Nerds) to keep an eye on the turnover-goal-track and profit maximation... and: Yes, it works for now. But...
That this is producing a knowledge gap in companies over the years is not seen at the moment, and if you are in sales you go for short term, right and just make the money? Lol 😉
I think, that for a healthy company you need all generations under one roof to work together on projects, have a critical company culture as well, exchange and learn from each-other.
This we had since WW II., but now with the new business model you can make money on short term, even if the boomerang comes back to you after 10-20 years with knowledge gaps and a future generation, who has no clue about being a holistic human nor learning to think and collaborate with older business partners.
What will happen, if the Gen Y will turn 40 or 50?
Are they still dominated by the Gen X?
Or will they wake up and do their own, new thing, discovering things, which are now basics for the Baby Boomers and celebrate it's innovation in 2030?
Or will they copy the Gen X and dominate the new Alpha Gen? (I think the new Alpha Gen will be more smart then Gen Y, so be aware... ;-))
I think we should delete this strange business models soon and go back to work with all generations in one team and company. 50+ Generation are not Aliens and smarter than you think...
From my older bosses(the Baby-Booommers) I have learned so much during the last 20 years(as well as from my parents who are now over 80 years old) and now as an entrepreneur with my BREADHUNTER company, I have partners around the globe from 20 to 85 years and we exchange, discuss and learn from each-other anytime we meet. This is very fruitful and inspiring.
This is just a short teaser article about this topic, I know it's to big to discuss it from all sides, but we should focus on that more, think about and then just change it. 
We owe this our mentors, the generation 50+, 60+, 70+, 80+ who are qualified and willing to work, but have been pushed aside like an old train, they have so much experience we could learn and have a benefit from.
So if you are an HR person or a leader, think twice, before you disqualify good 45+ candidates and complain then about skills shortage in your industry, which AI & tools can't solve neither. (Maybe they are the reason for it...)
Greetings from Vienna and I am interested in your global experiences with this topic...and maybe we can learn here in Europe something from Middle East or Asia in this topic.

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