We from BREADHUNTER Group wish you a great start into 2021 and hope you will be a good or better year than 2020.
We had a quite good year even there was COVID 19 but we are working from home and with video calls for 8 years, so we are used to it, only the breakfast and lunch meetings were gone, which I miss, but on the other side it was positive to talk to so many candidates and clients, I never have spoken before in a video call like in 2020.
With my partners Louisa Böhringer and Florian Brody, we also created a new Executive- and Career Booster Program, because we believe in supporting and creating relations with Executives before they are fired. It's like your relationship with a personal trainer or a Dr. Freud. You meet these guys 1 or 4 times per month and discuss actual business things or career topics and so you get ready and trained for the next level in high board member positions.
It's all about training and learning and relations and it's your personal insurance to prevent 1 or 2 years of a 'sabbatical' when you are fired and then have to start looking for a new job and update your documents.
We also created this marketing campaign because we like the combination of stupid things and excellence in business.
Best regards from Vienna
Check also our other websites, blogs, books, and podcasts you can find here: www.breadhunter.group
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