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Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2019 angezeigt.

Head of ICECREAM - driving workflow automation crazy and to it's limits :-p

AI and workflow automation is nice, if you use it wisely and it can help you nowadays with big workloads, but yesterday it failed. After 350 congratulation emails here on LinkedIn to my new job #HEADOFICECREAM, I think 70% were automated and serious without any smilies or ironic comments ;-) and it showed the #salespeople here working with workflow automation and triggers in the CRM and other tools. ;-) Check this  Job Title Bullshit Generator . It was real fun to see that and on the other side, that there are a loot of people outside, who are also sick of these job title bulshitting we have today, instead of getting a salary upgrade every year, you get crazy jobtitles. Maybe nice for 20 years old new-bees, but be careful your older employees are not stupid and got it, what the leadership is doing. Titles for the workforce and Boni for the Management. Enjoy your Thursday, thanks and the pleasure is on my side :-) Thomas Picture Source:  https://noktara.de/mimim...

Need for Speed: Swift and secure content collaboration with Tresorit

Read the full blog article  here at the Tresorit page. A www.breadhunter.at and www.tresorit.com customer study. 

How smart, global speedboats do contracting in 2019

For you in Law or Banking business it's nothing new, but maybe for all other entrepreneurs and small companies, who are sick of Word document contracting and, crappy(sorry), olds-school contract templates you sending via email and then send another 30 emails until the contract is accepted, these 2 solutions will save you time and present you as small entrepreneur in a good, smart CI way. What I am talking about? Yes, you are right docu-sign and collaboration tools. In 2012 which was experimenting Quote-Roller, which was acquired by  PandaDoc , but there is also a great new solution from Sweden and the US, called  GetAccept , which helps you to organize, send and sign your offers and contracts I can recommend. You can also integrate videos to your offer and pictures, so your clients get a bigger picture about your company, person and services. Now, in 2019 it's a big chance for us small speedboats working on global projects, to work smarter, than...