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Excellent Headhunters resemble to Top Advocates more, than you might have expected, so let's work together !

After a season marathon of SUITS (season 1-6) I got the idea, that it would be important to open the mind of the LinkedIn audience a bit into the direction, that Headhunters are useful not only for filling your position and use the synergies of their lobby network. We all-rounder headhunter, this is a headhunter who works on his projects from acquisition of the job, via direct search and gathering of information and client management trough candidate interviews and final placement, resemble more to a Partner of a Law Firm, than you might expect. You don't find this species in large mass-recruiting companies, but in small international boutique executive search environments. In mass-recruiting companies, every employee has his task in a clear limited field of operation, e.g. there is a person who makes just the research(searching all day long), then there are just liquidators, who take care of the candidate interviews and then there are the sales consultants / partners, res...

Where is our review culture ?

It's all about sales and marketing, but where has our hard-facts review culture gone ? This is a question, I ask myself since some month, because I have the subjective feeling(post-truth!:-p), that since some years we celebrate more the new things, ideas and visions and forgot to focus on old-school reviews. Sometimes are reviews a proof for great business strategies and you can learn from it for the future. Sometimes it's better not to look back or to the facts and figures, because it will bring a bigger damage to daylight you better hide. The older I get, the more I like numbers and facts. Real numbers, provable numbers, because this is the only way, to learn something in a honest, realistic way, especially in these times of post-truth and subjective feelings you meet in social media. On the other hand, I think, that this kind of review culture is going to decline, because it's not sexy to be beaten by hard facts in the end. Facts are a kind of control autho...

Hard times for Donald J. Trump - and also for us

Good evening from Vienna in Austria, after some month of observation, I like to try to talk about my view about Donald Trump. Yes, Donald is a Elephant in the porcelain shop, but I like that. :-) He speaks frankly like an entrepreneur, an old school entrepreneur generation like my grandfather or my parents from similar age. This is a generation of handshake quality, a generation of mistakes and fast turnarounds after that, they act and talk what they act like. So, how to deal with them in times of social media, information leaks, fast decisions, hysteric analyzes and lobbyism ? Would Donald Trump be president of the United States in 1996, there would be no problem, of understanding his decisions, I think, because during this time, he was in his main powerful years. On the other side, he is also today, but with a leak of a lobby, because the lobby and politics have changed. Sometimes you just want to move something, but you don't have the lobby or you can't act as ...

BREADHUNTER's Q1 news: Learnings from the last 33 month, smart-headhunting and prospects for 2017

Some silent time went by the last weeks without blog posts, because this is now more a creative and busy time for me, but you are right I owe you a short update what's going on with  Mr. BREADHUNTER  and his thoughts and ideas at the moment I am working on. So after leaving Talentor  and being back in march from my inspiring New York trip, there is now a time of fine tuning concerning new headhunting products and clients business needs. I have checked also my facts & figures from the last 33 month at Talentor, where I had ca 1.268 video-calls out of 8.987 screenings with interesting boutique headhunting companies around the globe and I am glad, that I could bring during this time ca. 12 countries(9 partners) to Talentor and fulfill my sales goals extraordinary, but it was also very sad for me to see on the other hand, that 10 countries left the network during this 33 month period I was there. Maybe you know it, how it feels being in the third line of a hie...

Back From New York + New Web Profile

Time is running and now, after 2 weeks my New York trip came to an end, but I will be back, my friends for sure :-). There is now enough material and pics for your inspiration for the next month in my mind and I also made a new personal website:  www.thomaszahlten.com   for personal introduction. After my 33 month at Talentor International, now a new era was ushered and we will see, where it will lead to the next month. So give me call for a cup of coffee. I really enjoyed "the city, that never sleeps", took a lot of pictures in Brooklyn & Manhatten, you will get sliced the next weeks combined with blog posts. I had good, inspirational meetings...and this is what I am since years: An international connector, border-less thinker and global actor. Vienna is nice to live, but the playground is the world, especially the US, Russia, Europe and Asia. So, check out my  blog-posts  and  websites  and thank you for your attention even if there was l...

Unsere Komplexe Welt oder die Schwierigkeit zwischen Kulturen, Religionen und den uns selbst auferlegten Gesetzen richtig zu handeln.

Die Spaltung der Gesellschaft vollzieht sich langsam, aber mit Meilensteinen, die wir so nicht erwartet hätten vor 5 oder 10 Jahren. Hinzu kommen postfaktische Empfindungen eines jeden Einzelnen, je nachdem, ob er auf der Sonnenseite des Lebens steht oder vom sozialen Abstieg bedroht ist, ob er ein Multikulti ist oder eher konservativ. Das Thema ist sehr komplex, auch wenn es auf den ersten Blick vereinfacht recht schwarz-weiss daherkommt, dass es nur links oder rechts gibt, nur pro Europa oder dagegen, nur pro Islam und dagegen, usw. . Aber es ist vielschichtiger und die Messparameter, derer wir uns bedienen sind vielleicht auch nicht mehr Zeitgemäß, was die Sache noch erschwert. Die  Menschenrechte , die sich seit 3.000 Jahren herausgebildet haben und über die Jahrhunderte erweitert und verändert wurden, sind eine gute Sache, die uns hilft Menschen zu bleiben, auch in schwierigen Zeiten wie diesen. Trotzdem sind ja alle Regeln dazu da, gebrochen oder umgangen zu wer...