On rainy days, like today and also between Tuesday and Thursday it's time for doing sales and cold calls. All of us have to do this, so as a main profession and some entrepreneurs just to get new projects and yes, sometimes I hate it to call people I do not know and tell them something about they don't want to hear because it's boring-selling-bullshit, its not the IPhone killer product or the flying-electric-solar-car for 5.000 $. You all know this situations, especially if you work in insurance, banking or headhunting industry. "Hello my name is Thomas, I am from BREADHUNTER and want to talk with you about HR and finding the right people for your company." "Mhmm, wow great, never heard about that, what is it exactly?" - this answer you never get and if your name is Brad or Branda or Peter or Stephen and you sell hedge funds, print ads, cars, insurances for the house or a special banking product with 0.5 % interest you are in the same boat. ...
Der persönliche Blog von Thomas Zahlten, dem BREADHUNTER, rund um Headhunting,Executive Search, Social Media und Innovationen. Web: www.breadhunter.group wwww.breadhuntergroup.com www.bread-hunter.com Phone: +43 677 630 833 68 Dies ist kein kommerzieller Blog, er spiegelt lediglich die persönliche Meinung von Thomas Zahlten wieder. Impressum: Breadhunter - Int. Executive Search Thomas Zahlten Karl Popper Strasse 22 1100 Wien Austria eMail: office@breadhuntergroup.com