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Head of ICECREAM - driving workflow automation crazy and to it's limits :-p

AI and workflow automation is nice, if you use it wisely and it can help you nowadays with big workloads, but yesterday it failed. After 350 congratulation emails here on LinkedIn to my new job #HEADOFICECREAM, I think 70% were automated and serious without any smilies or ironic comments ;-) and it showed the #salespeople here working with workflow automation and triggers in the CRM and other tools. ;-) Check this  Job Title Bullshit Generator . It was real fun to see that and on the other side, that there are a loot of people outside, who are also sick of these job title bulshitting we have today, instead of getting a salary upgrade every year, you get crazy jobtitles. Maybe nice for 20 years old new-bees, but be careful your older employees are not stupid and got it, what the leadership is doing. Titles for the workforce and Boni for the Management. Enjoy your Thursday, thanks and the pleasure is on my side :-) Thomas Picture Source:  https://noktara.de/mimim...

Need for Speed: Swift and secure content collaboration with Tresorit

Read the full blog article  here at the Tresorit page. A www.breadhunter.at and www.tresorit.com customer study. 

How smart, global speedboats do contracting in 2019

For you in Law or Banking business it's nothing new, but maybe for all other entrepreneurs and small companies, who are sick of Word document contracting and, crappy(sorry), olds-school contract templates you sending via email and then send another 30 emails until the contract is accepted, these 2 solutions will save you time and present you as small entrepreneur in a good, smart CI way. What I am talking about? Yes, you are right docu-sign and collaboration tools. In 2012 which was experimenting Quote-Roller, which was acquired by  PandaDoc , but there is also a great new solution from Sweden and the US, called  GetAccept , which helps you to organize, send and sign your offers and contracts I can recommend. You can also integrate videos to your offer and pictures, so your clients get a bigger picture about your company, person and services. Now, in 2019 it's a big chance for us small speedboats working on global projects, to work smarter, than...

Warum die Millennials in der „Kein Impact Diskussion“ falsch verstanden wurden und wir endlich etwas zusammen mit den Baby-Boomern ändern müssen!

„Ich habe hier keinen IMPACT, deswegen kündige ich nach 3-6 Monaten!“, ja diese Aussage bekamen manche Baby Boomer und Gen X plötzlich um die Ohren gehauen und waren Perplex, wie eine ganze Generation plötzlich sich erdreisten kann, nicht mehr angepasst für Statussymbole zu arbeiten, sondern einfach den Fallschirm zu greifen und aus der nicht agilen 747 zu springen und damit plötzlich die ganze, unausgereifte Business Strategie der Gen X Thought-Leader durcheinander brachte. Schnell wurde klar, diese Generation Y ist anders  und die machen das einfach, wie frech aber auch! 😊 Auch war der Konnex sofort hergestellt zu verweichlicht, nicht fähig durch zu halten, usw., denn kurz gedacht kann man sie natürlich in diese Schublade stecken, doch was, wenn es anders ist und diese erste Bewertung vielleicht nur teilweise zutrifft bzw. die Millennials vieles einfach schneller gecheckt haben, wo wir Gen X oder Baby Boomer nicht die, sorry, „Eier“ für haben? Was, wenn Sie einfach k...

Don't be a franchise slave in 2019

Franchise is dead or let's say not necessary in 2019 if you are an entrepreneur, because you will work tripple to be successful, for the franchise owner, for the tax office and after that for yourself. Maybe it was an option during the 50ties, 60ties and 70ties, maybe 80ties also, where the economy was booming and it was not easy as a small entrepreneur to get national or global attraction, but in times of internet, social media and easy global entrepreneurship it's not contemporary anymore. So why paying an annual membership fee of 2 k or 20 k $ for something that is less worth, then what you get from it? Why paying an additional setup fee of 10 or 20 k $ at the beginning just to be a member of something, that lives from your personality and pro-activity as an entrepreneur? Why paying a percentage from your annual turnover after you worked successful on projects, that where filled by your work experience? Here are some price examples from our headhunting indust...

The difference of working as a Headhunter in the DACH area and on global playground

Things and business take a lot of time in DACH region as we all know, but this is not the innovative way, compared to the rest of the world, except Middle East and sometimes Japan :-). Yes, headhunting and executive search is about trust and relations, but I think compared to the DACH region, the other global cultures are more open to move something and trust each other faster, than we do. When I look at my last and this business year, so came the best and successful projects(70%) from foreign countries by companies, who have discovered me via my blog posts and website and decided to get in contact via email and video call in a fast way. Discuss the topic, exchange contracts, have another video call and go and this within 10 days. Follow ups by smart collaboration software, video calls, local calls and project closed after 4-6 weeks in total(sometimes faster, if the client could make a fast decision ;-)) and all are happy, the challenge is solved and you also got new friend...

Why global phone numbers are important for small businesses in Sales & Headhunting in 2019

Yes, we live in interesting times and it's funny to see, how big players get disrupted by small, global speedboats, because they focus on the core business and for this you do not need status symbols or expensive business solutions, it's just all about to work borderless to close sales deals, engage clients and candidates from all over the world, not only via social media madness, but by personal connection. I believe, that social media will getting more and more  irrelevant, because people getting sick of this sensless throwing out infos , messages and contact attempts without focus and personal engagement. They will sooner or later love the old, good quality of personal human relations, Ear-to-Ear or Face-to-Face. Since 2 years I see it also here in DACH area, that clients and candidates wanted to be called personally and not contacted via email or social media postings. Video calls are also fine, but some clients are unable to cope to work with that, so the go...